The concept of the Brigade operation was to conduct Hunter/Killer operations North and West of PHAN THIET astride II and III CTZ boundaries commencing at 1700H on 12 April 1966, to locate, fix and destroy Viet Cong Forces in the TAOR SHILOH. The 2-502 IN BN was to infiltrate by helicopter "Recondo" elements to secure three LZ's for the battalion minus to deploy to. A/2-502 IN once on LZ moved in "Recondo Checkerboard" fashion along axes Yellow, Orange and Blue. B/2-502 IN and "Recondo" platoon formed TF Schroeder and conducted "Recondo Checkerboard" operations in their sector. C/2-502 IN conducted heliborne assaults and "Recondo Checkerboard" along axes Green, Black and Red.
The 2-502 IN BN received a FRAGO to conduct "Recondo Checkerboard" operations to find and fix and destroy Viet Cong forces and installations in sector. A/2-502 IN conducted "Recondo Checkerboard" operation along route Black and Green to secure positions indicated. B/2-502 IN remained in battalion reserve and provided security for battalion CP. C/2-502 IN continued "Recondo Checkerboard" operations from the North and effect link up at battalion CP. "Recondo" platoon conducts "Recondo Checkerboard" operation with Cambodian Mercenary company along routes Red and White to secure positions indicated. A/2-502 IN moved along routes Green and Black with negative enemy contact. B/2-502 IN remained in battalion reserve and provided security for battalion CP. C/2-502 IN (-) closed into the battalion CP vicinity ZT13575 at 1010H on 17 April and assumed perimeter security for artillery battery and battalion CP. "Recondo" platoon and a 140 man CIDG Company commenced "Recondo Checkerboard" operations at 2100H, 16 April along routes White and Red with negative enemy contact.
The 2-502 IN BN received a FRAGO to conduct "Recondo Checkerboard" operations in area PANTHER to find, fix and destroy Viet Cong forces and installations in LE HONG PHAN SURET Zone. This operation was conducted in three sub-phases. The "Recondo" platoon (+) on 19 April infiltrated via helicopter to CIDG camp at LONG SON vicinity BN122385; a squad from A/2-502 IN infiltrated to LZ vicinity BN992328 at 1900H; secured LZ vicinity BN028345; a squad from C/2-502 IN infiltrated to LZ vicinity BN950228 at 1900H, secured LZ vicinity AN935210. C/2-320 ARTY displaced to CIDG camp on 20 April. The 2-502 IN BN conducted heliborne assault with two companies, A/2-502 IN and C/2-502 IN into LZ's secured by "Recondo" squad, commencing at 1800H on 20 April 1966.
The 2-502 IN BN initiated "Recondo Checkerboard" operations in area PANTHER along three axes, with A/2-502 IN, C/2-502 IN and "Recondo" platoon/CHAM CIDG to saturate area of operation. B/2-502 IN in reserve vicinity PHAN THIET to assist "Checkerboarding" units or pursue Viet Cong forces via Eagle Flight; committed only on approval of Brigade Commander.
On 19 April the 2-502 IN BN prepared for and began execution of 2-502 IN OPORD (AUSTIN II) in area PANTHER. A/2-502 IN at 1915H infiltrated by heliborne assault one "Recondo" patrol vicinity AN992338. They were to secure LZ vicinity BN028345 for A/2-502 IN(-) heliborne assault at 2000H on 20 April. They reported no contact on their LZ. B/2-502 IN prepared for operation North of PHAN THIET, initially as battalion reserve. C/2-502 IN infiltrated one "Recondo" patrol by helicopter to LZ vicinity BN950228 at 1915H on 19 April. They had no contact on the LZ. They were to secure the LZ for C/2-502 IN (-) heliborne assault at 2000H on 20 April on an LZ vicinity AN925208. "Recondo" platoon was helilifted to LOUNG SON CIDG camp vicinity AN125385 at 1700H on 19 April to coordinate fully with attached CIDG force.
(HQ, 2-502 IN BN, 101st ABN DIV; After Action Report, Operation AUSTIN II; 18 May 1966)
Unit(s) tasked organized or under brigade control: 2-502 IN BN
Operation Austin II commenced on 11 April 1966 and terminated on 28 April 1966.
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