101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's

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  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:36
    USO Show
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:35
    Hey, hey, hey, belly dancing USO Show. Cruel on the troops.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:34
    Asian USO Show. I wonder what is on the left out of the frame. The guys are looking that way and not to the babe playing with the group.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:31
    USO Show. Wait a minute, is that Charlie? Look at the hats.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:30
    USO Show
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:28
    USO Show
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:27
    Mass out in the field by the Chaplain.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:26
    USO Show.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:25
    USO Show.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:24
    Cobras just outside Veghel.