101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's

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  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:23
    Here comes the log.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:22
    Hueys waiting to take us to a Charlie Alpha.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:20
    Picture taken out the window of my Freedom Bird once it cleared Vietnamese territory. Great day.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:19
    Oscar A. del Junco playing RTO or listening to music.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:18
    Paul D. Martinez, Oscar A. del Junco and Ben Wallace.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:17
    Self explanatory.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:16
    Hueys waiting for us to board to take us to Veghel.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:14
    More Cobras bringing hell to NVAs.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:12
    Cobras bringing hell to the NVAs who escaped us after we took Veghel.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:11
    Oscar A. del Junco and a nice cold soda out in the field. Wait a minute, "cold" soda and out in the field, pick only one.