101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's

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  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:09
    NFI and Oscar A. del Junco
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:08
    Two guys I don't know who they are, maybe I guess I may be the one on the right. The one on the left must be an officer or a medic because he is carrying a pistol.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:06
    Oscar A. del Junco after basic training. If you were to look under the hat, guess what, no hair.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:04
    Oscar A. del Junco and a buddy whose name I can't remember.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:03
    Oscar A. del Junco
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:02
    Oscar A. del Junco
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 18:01
    Oscar A. del Junco posing with Ed Ledlum's M14 sniper rifle.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 17:59
    Oscar A. del Junco and a guy whose name I can't remember but apparently very happy about something. I guess he doesn't realize where he is.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 17:58
    Oscar A. del Junco
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 26 November 2018 17:57
    Oscar A. del Junco, Andy Olson, NFI and Robert Jones. The third guy I remember very well, just not his name. He is the one started me in audio gear.