101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's

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  • Jacque Mills - Sunday 1 November 2020 15:32
    I think of you often and hope your life has been filled with joy and love.
  • Jim Davidson - Saturday 12 September 2020 18:23
    Doug and I were on an M60 team. At the time he was my best friend. We were shoulder to shoulder when we were attacked that night. Doug was killed instantly. I never have and never will forget him.
  • Kara P-A - Sunday 9 August 2020 07:59
    Hello SGT Ronald Long,

    Thank you for your service in Vietnam (Dec 67 - Dec 68).
    I am proud to have met you and many of the Vietnam War heroes in person at the 24th and 25th Vietnam Veterans reunion.

    I am in the making of a personal music video, I would like very much to include your photos posted on this site. May I?


  • Don Otto - Friday 31 July 2020 11:16
    Heard a shithook got hit by a 51 cal and crashed with a sling load of arty shells under it, burned all, was horrible. Gooks wanted that place gone so bad
  • Don Otto - Friday 31 July 2020 11:16
    Heard a shithook got hit by a 51 cal and crashed with a sling load of arty shells under it, burned all, was horrible. Gooks wanted that place gone so bad
  • Don Otto - Friday 31 July 2020 11:11
    I never got on the base but probably was on the mountains in the background!!!! I was B Co 2/501 CA'd onto COC MUON peak multiple times. These were my worst days in infantry in country. WOW, what a mess in that picture just goes to show you how bad it was to be on that firebase during the siege days there. I felt sorry for those fellas up there...they had to abandon that joint and were getting shelled very heavy during the evacuation also Army should have used nukes in that AO as well as Ashau Valley
  • Sgt. William Rowan - Monday 27 July 2020 15:01
    That is Firebase Roy. I was on it from Sept. to Dec. 1968 with A Btry. 2/11 Arty. 101 Abn. 155 howitzer. It was named after Sgt. Roy who was killed in a truck accident.
  • Starks - Sunday 19 July 2020 12:20
    Could have been my replacement I left the 2plt on 1 Sept. 69 did not get to meet him
  • PJ Penny - Saturday 23 May 2020 18:59
    Served with John in Vietnam. Great soldier and leader. He, Frank, and Gary were our platoon leaders. Company commander was Don Shive. Thoughts and prayers on this Memorial Day for him and all who were with A Company in 1968.
  • bradley jimerson - Monday 11 May 2020 16:00
    1968 Cu Chi B-2/501st

    From L-R: Luther Lassiter (RTO), 1st Lt Michael Roberts, Lt Zaikis, Lt Col. Richard J Tallman (KIA)

    Col. Tallman was battalion (2/501) commander at the time. Col. Tallman was promoted to Brig. Gen. before he was killed in action in 1972.

    Photo submitted by Wilson "Butch" Gorman