101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's

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  • William H Phillips Jr. - Friday 26 April 2019 21:04
    LT was a gung-ho officer. I was on the body bird,that came in to take the dead off the hill, it was sad as they had no more body bags so our troopers were just stacked in the Huey like kindling. I rode all the way back holding onto LT Dick. Sad memories are coming back with this site.
  • William H Phillips Jr. - Friday 26 April 2019 20:56
    Penn was in my squad. We were close, very close. The day he got hit and was dying, I had the RTO from 3rd squad put Penn on the horn. We talked until he passed. I cried. He is always in my thoughts. Love you brother. God rest your soul.
  • Oscar Junco - Monday 22 April 2019 20:33
    Left Jett Bork, right Oscar A. del Junco
  • Jack Justice - Friday 1 March 2019 06:58
    LTC John Geraci (1/502) briefs LTG Bruce Palmer (18th Abn Corps) and MG Ben Sternberg (CG 101st Abn) during exercises prior to deployment from Ft. Campbell. LTG Palmer is seated in the famous 1/502 Combat Rocker.
  • Jack Justice - Friday 1 March 2019 06:51
    Cpt. Jackie Justice reenlists Sgt. McCloud on the bayonet range at Ft. Campbell prior to deployment.
  • Jack Justice - Friday 1 March 2019 06:48
    Cpt. Jackie Justice fires M-79 to direct other fire from D Co. 1/502d during movement on Hwy 547 to LZ Bastonge.
  • Jack Justice - Friday 1 March 2019 06:44
    LTC John Geraci (1/502) does planning with 1/Lt Dave Reiss on his right and 1/Lt. Frank Dimmitt on left.(1966)
  • Jack Justice - Friday 1 March 2019 06:40
    Choppin Charlie
  • Oscar Junco - Thursday 27 December 2018 17:38
    Sgt. Jim Malinowski
  • ryan.niebuhr@2ndbde.org - Sunday 16 December 2018 11:27
    Keith is a Sioux Indian and the bravest trooper I know. I remember a firefight where we had very little cover and enemy rounds where thick as heavy rain. Keith was up on his knees working on a wounded soldier.

    The soldier lived and was medivaced out, Keith did not get a scratch. I never complained again about being an infantryman.

    Written by Floyd Turnley