101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's

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  • Oscar Junco - Thursday 13 December 2018 10:32
    Great Company Commander, his skills as a BBQ man, well, at best questionable.
  • Oscar Junco - Sunday 9 December 2018 16:41
    Cobras doing their thing to the NVAs that escaped after we took Vegel.
  • Oscar Junco - Sunday 9 December 2018 16:40
    Hueys ready to fly us to retake Veghel.
  • Oscar Junco - Sunday 9 December 2018 16:32
    Bernard P. Hughes, unknown and Gerald (Gerry) Edwards
  • Oscar Junco - Sunday 9 December 2018 16:31
    Cpt. John E. Griggs III
  • Oscar Junco - Wednesday 5 December 2018 15:33
    Correction, L to R: Richard Balsh, half of Andy Olson, Gary Meager and Richard Vesper.
  • Oscar Junco - Wednesday 5 December 2018 15:30
    Gary Meager wrongly identified as Kenneth Gautreaux
  • Oscar Junco - Wednesday 5 December 2018 15:29
    Richard Balsh, half of Andy Olson, Gary Meager and Richard Vesper.
  • Oscar Junco - Wednesday 5 December 2018 15:27
    I don't know his name, but he really loves his M60.
  • Oscar Junco - Wednesday 5 December 2018 15:21
    Correction: L to R: first two dark unknown, Gary Meager and Richard Vesper