101st Airborne Division Vietnam Photo's

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The LZ/FSB was established in 1969 by the 23rd IN DIV and was located approximately 32km northwest of Chu Lai and 16km southwest of LZ East. The base was occupied by elemetns of the 1-46th IN and 1-14th ARTY when it was attached by the PAVN V-16 Sapper Battalion on the early morning of 12 May 1969. Following the sapper attack the PAVN continued to mortar the base and set up heavy machine guns to prevent helicopter support. On 13 May the PAVN 3rd REGT, 2nd DIV. engaged A/1-46th IN near the base. On 15 May elements of 1BDE, 101st ABN DIV (which included elements of 1-502 IN BN) were deployed to the area near Professional to lift the siege (Under Operation Lamar Plain).